Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What To Expect

Driving Question:  Which decisions I make today will affect me for my entire life?

This week we will focus upon the expectations and requirements for this course.
MDE Standards:

CE. 1.1
CE 1.1.5
CE 1.1.8, , CE 1.1.4,  CE.1.3.2, CE 1.3.7, CE 1.1.6

ACT Standards

Identify the basic purpose or role of a specified phrase or sentence
Delete a clause or sentence because it is obviously irrelevant to the essay
Select the most logical place to add a sentence in a paragraph
Determine the need for punctuation and conjunctions to avoid awkward-sounding sentence fragments and fused sentences

Objectives and Procedures
Homework and Announcements
No school

Overview of course syllabus.
I will lead the students through the syllabus. Answer and address any questions.

Discussion of Classroom Procedures.

Students will check their email accounts to retrieve the directions for setting up their blogger accounts.

Get the course syllabus and parents information attachment signed.
Students will take a pre-test assessment on sentence structure,  Appropriate language,  using the dictionary, thesaurus and glossary, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions,  interjections,  pronouns, verb usage,  spelling, punctuation,  and capitalization.

Due to the length of the test, students will have the complete hour to complete the task.

Students will submit their course syllabus and parent information attachment.

Students will take a test that was not theirs, and grade it within class.

We will practice the classroom procedures and practice the restorative practices circle interaction.

Students will take a quiz on the course syllabus, classroom procedures and restorative practices.
Blog Assignment 1: How can the decisions that I make today, affect me tomorrow? 250 Words.

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